Health, Wellness, Lifestyle, Food, Fashion & Family

Long gone are the days when I had hours on end to put into my daily beauty routine. Some days I'm running out the door with a good hat, lipstick and my favourite shades on. But one thing holds true - I wear damn good lipstick, I know how to throw my hair up into a mean-looking bun and the most important part of my routine is clean skin and moisturizing. Having said all of this, when it comes to date night or an event, I've been known to indulge a full day in pampering myself in getting ready.....
My Daily Beauty Routine......

Wearing Clothes That Are Good
For Your Health.....
We have all worn a pair of jeans that have been too tight. Ones where we had to lie down on the bed to zip them up! Wearing tight clothing may be done in the name of vanity but did you know that it could be harmful to your health? Believe it or not, tight clothing not only restricts.......

How I Keep My Hair Long & Strong.....
Hydrating my hair is the number one most important part of my beauty regime. In the day and age of extensions, I can't tell you how many times a millennial has been brave enough to tug on the back of my hair to see if it's real! Compliment? I guess so... I've had this hair a LOOOONG time and keeping it healthy is key. Here are a couple of key steps in keeping it......

How I Keep My Hair Hydrated with this All Natural, DIY Hair Mask!
Maintaining my hair health is probably the number one most important part of my beauty regime. In the day and age of extensions, I can't tell you how many times women younger than I have been brave enough to tug on the back of my hair to see if it's real! Compliment? I guess so. I've had this hair a LOOOONG time and keeping it healthy is key. Here are a couple of key steps in keeping it strong, healthy and happy!